Finding a path in herbalism 
Liz Thomas Liz Thomas

Finding a path in herbalism 

I find that one of the best ways to avoid herbal overwhelm is to understand that there is a universal principle in all the herbal traditions and modalities, and that is the practice of HOLISTIC HERBALISM. One herb at a time, whole body, whole herb.

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3 ideas for Elderflower
Liz Thomas Liz Thomas

3 ideas for Elderflower

When you’ve got a basketful of Elder’s heady scented flower clusters, there’s a wonderful array of recipes and remedies at your fingertips. I’ll skip over the Champagne and the Cordial, there are loads of well developed and documented recipes out there. In the spirit of natural / herbal wellbeing and lifestyle I thought I’d share 3 slightly more off-centre ideas for things you can make to celebrate Elderflower!

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Nettle+ soup!
Liz Thomas Liz Thomas

Nettle+ soup!

I treat the Stinging Nettles in my garden as a cut-and-come-again salad, but always leave an area to run to seed later in the summer months to give me a supply of Nettle seeds which I use a bit like chia seeds, a sprinkle for salads and soups.

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Coastal Herbalism
Liz Thomas Liz Thomas

Coastal Herbalism

It’s been an absolute joy to focus on coastal herbs for healing - of all sorts, including trees, herbaceous perennials, macroalgae - in preparation for the workshops at the Scottish Seabird Centre. These workshops are being run as part of their Winter Wonders Exhibition, which encourages visitors to discover the secret lives of local wildlife, witness the subtle shift in seasons as waders depart and seabirds return, and appreciate the soft glow of the setting sun across the coastal landscapes.

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Herbs, Honey & Hygge
Liz Thomas Liz Thomas

Herbs, Honey & Hygge

Let’s gather in a calm and cosy setting, get the fire going and learn about herbal techniques - we’ll focus on seasonal herbs to support winter wellbeing and techniques which combine herbs and honey.

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Reiki at The Honeybee Sanctuary
Liz Thomas Liz Thomas

Reiki at The Honeybee Sanctuary

I bring these three strands together: honey, herbs and healing, because I am all of these things, and this is my unique offer. When you come to The Honeybee Sanctuary, you get a bit of each of these. I am the grounding energy of the bees, I offer the medicine of the plants, and I unify it with the balancing system of Reiki.

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‘23, the year of the bee
Liz Thomas Liz Thomas

‘23, the year of the bee

What’s unusual about it all is it’s always the original Queen who leaves the hive during a swarm, but for us, she stayed put. This Queen, she wanted us to have bees.

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Why we never heat honey
Liz Thomas Liz Thomas

Why we never heat honey

When honey is heated it undergoes a chemical change. Honey is primarily made up of fructose, and when it is heated the fructose creates a chemical called 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (handily abbreviated to HMF). We know a bit about HMF, because it is found in significant concentrations in High Fructose Corn Syrup, an ingredient you may be aware of in mass produced confectionery.

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Multi-floral honey.
Liz Thomas Liz Thomas

Multi-floral honey.

While some of the attributes of multi-floral honey may vary every year, the core qualities remain consistent - it will be high in antioxidants, flavonoids, probiotic enzymes, pollen and nutrients, including the B vitamins and vitamin C.

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Kids’ honey & herbs workshops
Liz Thomas Liz Thomas

Kids’ honey & herbs workshops

Kids’ Herbalism Workshops based at The Honeybee Sanctuary, North Berwick. Together we’ll explore nature, with herbs and honey as our guides!

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